
The Ultimate Checklist For A Mobile App Marketing Plan You Need to Know


If you have a mobile app that you want to promote and grow, you need to have a solid mobile app marketing plan. Mobile app marketing is the process of reaching and engaging your target audience through various channels and platforms, such as social media, search engines, ad networks, and programmatic advertising.

But how do you choose the right platforms for your mobile app marketing? And how do you create a marketing plan that suits your goals and budget? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and help you get started with your mobile app marketing strategy.

What are the platforms for mobile app marketing?

There are many platforms that you can use to market your mobile app, depending on your objectives, target audience, and budget. Here are some of the most common ones:

– Social media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat allow you to reach a large and diverse audience with various ad formats, such as video ads, carousel ads, story ads, and more. You can also use social media to create organic content, such as posts, stories, reels, and live streams, to build awareness and engagement with your app. Social media marketing is ideal for creating brand awareness, driving app installs, and fostering loyalty and retention.

– Search engines: Search engines like Google and Bing allow you to bid on keywords that are relevant to your app and show your ads to users who are searching for them. You can also use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to rank your app higher in the organic search results. Search engine marketing is ideal for driving app installs, increasing app visibility, and generating qualified leads.

– Ad networks: Ad networks are platforms that connect advertisers with publishers who have ad space on their websites or apps. You can use ad networks to display your ads on various websites or apps that are related to your niche or target audience. Like all media channels, ad networks also offer the use of various ad formats, such as banner ads, interstitial ads, native ads, and more. Meaning you don’t have to costume create new ad units for wide distribution. Adding ad networks as a source into your media mix is ideal for reaching a large and relevant audience, driving app installs, and increasing app revenue, mainly as they are performance-based channels making it also very cost-effective for your media plan. 

– Programmatic advertising: Programmatic advertising is the process of buying and selling ad space using automated software and algorithms, such as a DSP. A DSP is an easy-to-use, highly-targeted platform to display your ads on various websites or apps that match your criteria, such as location, device type, demographics, interests, and more. Using Zoomd DSP, you can also target an audience based on location, which is great if you also have offline assets that people visit. Programmatic advertising offers various ad formats, such as video ads, rich media ads, rewarded ads, and more. Programmatic advertising is ideal for reaching a highly targeted and engaged audience, driving app installs, and optimizing app performance.

Mobile App Marketing

Mobile App Marketing- The Checklist

How to create a mobile app marketing plan?

Now that you know the different platforms for mobile app marketing, how do you create a marketing plan that works for your app? Here are some steps that you can follow:

– Define your goals: What do you want to achieve with your mobile app marketing? Do you want to increase app downloads, user retention, app revenue, or something else? Having clear and measurable goals will help you choose the right platforms and strategies for your app marketing. It doesn’t have to be just one goal, or it can be one goal at a time. When launching a new app, you first want to reach a big database of users, regardless of the ROI they produce. So a goal of high volume of installs, or registrations can be the first target you focus. Once you have enough users on your app, it’s time to proceed to another goal which is to increase user retention, which will require a different plan or and approach. For each goal, a different plan is required along with which media channels to use and what creative to produce.

– Identify your target audience: Who are the users that you want to reach with your mobile app marketing? What are their demographics, preferences, behaviors, pain points, and motivations? Knowing your target audience will help you create relevant and personalized messages and offers for them.

– Choose your platforms: Based on your goals and target audience, choose the platforms that suit your mobile app marketing best. You can use one or more platforms depending on your budget and resources. For example, you can use social media to create brand awareness and loyalty, search engines to drive app installs and leads, ad networks to reach a large and relevant audience, and programmatic advertising to optimize your app performance.

– Create your content: Based on the platforms that you choose, create engaging and compelling content that showcases the value proposition of your app. You can use different types of content, such as videos, images, text, audio, and more, depending on the platform and the ad format that you use. Make sure that your content is clear, concise, and consistent across all platforms and channels.

– Set your budget: Based on your goals and the platforms that you choose, set a realistic and flexible budget for your mobile app marketing. You can use different methods to allocate your budget, such as cost per install (CPI), cost per action (CPA), cost per mille (CPM), and more, depending on the platform and the objective that you have.

– Track and measure your results: Based on your goals and the platforms that you use, track and measure the results of your mobile app marketing. You can use different tools and metrics to monitor and evaluate your performance, such as impressions, clicks, installs, conversions, retention, revenue, and more, depending on the platform and the objective that you have.

– Optimize and improve: Based on the results that you get, optimize and improve your mobile app marketing. You can use different techniques to test and refine your content, audience, budget, and strategy, such as A/B testing, split testing, multivariate testing, and more. Keep experimenting and learning from your data to achieve better outcomes.

Marketing Strategy for an App

Marketing Strategy for Your App


A cohesive app marketing plan is a crucial part of growing and scaling your mobile app business. By choosing the right platforms and creating a solid marketing plan, you can reach and engage your target audience effectively. If you need help with your mobile app marketing, you can contact the experts Zoomd. With our vast global reach and different user acquisition technologies, you can be sure we can help you create and execute a successful mobile app marketing campaign.

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Mobile App Marketing: Strategies for Boosting App Installs and Crafting Effective Campaigns


In today’s competitive app market, gaining visibility and driving app installs requires a well-executed mobile app marketing strategy. From optimizing app store listings to leveraging social media platforms and running targeted campaigns, app marketers have various approaches to explore. In the following blog post, we will explore several tactics and paths for mobile app install campaigns and discuss how to create an effective mobile app marketing plan to drive app growth.

If you’re an app marketer, you know how important it is to boost your app installs and craft effective campaigns. But with so many channels and platforms to choose from, how do you decide where to invest your budget and time?

First, what you can and should do is invest efforts on the organic steps, owning your app assets:

App store featuring:

Your app viability on the App and Play stores can help you reach audiences that are actually looking for a solution or a game like your app. Focus on creating an app with a unique value proposition, user-friendly interface, and positive user reviews. By delivering an exceptional user experience, your app stands a higher chance of being featured in app store recommendations, leading to increased visibility and app installs.

In-app referral program.

Encourage existing users to refer the app to their friends by offering incentives such as exclusive rewards or discounts. This leverages the power of word-of-mouth marketing and can lead to increased app installs.

More efficient ways to promote your app is through paid advertising, especially using performance channels and programmatic media buying. These methods can help you reach your target audience at scale, optimize your campaigns in real-time, and measure your results accurately.

As you may know, mobile app install ads are a type of ad format that encourages users to download your app directly from the ad. They are available on various platforms, such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and TikTok Ads, as well as ad networks and mobile app DSPs (demand side platforms).

Mobile app install ads can help you reach potential users who are likely to be interested in your app based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors. You can also optimize your campaigns for different goals, such as impressions, clicks, installs, or conversions.

But how do you create and run successful mobile app install ads? Here are some of the key steps you need to follow:

  1. Define your target audience and budget. Before you start creating your ads, you need to have a clear idea of who you want to reach and how much you are willing to spend. You can use tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Audience Network, or TikTok For Business to research your audience and find out their preferences, habits, and pain points. You can also use these tools to set your budget and bid strategy based on your campaign objectives and expected results.
  2. Choose the right platform and ad format. Depending on your target audience and goals, you may want to choose different platforms and ad formats for your mobile app install ads. For example, if you want to reach a young and creative audience, you may want to use TikTok Ads, which offer various interactive and engaging formats, such as TopView, In-Feed Video, or Branded Hashtag Challenge. If you want to reach a broad and diverse audience, you may want to use Google Ads, which offer various formats across different channels, such as Search, Display, YouTube, or Gmail. If you want to reach a highly targeted and loyal audience, you may want to use Facebook Ads, which offer various formats across different placements, such as News Feed, Stories, Messenger, or Audience Network.
    Once you maximize the opportunities on the major search and social channels, it is highly recommended to start exploring the vast global reach of a DSP (demand- side – Platform) and also the various ad networks and SDK’s that have been proven to accommodate the reach and achieve the goals app owners are looking for.
Mobile App Marketing

Mobile App Marketing

Programmatic media buying can help you: 

  • Save time and resources: You don’t have to negotiate with publishers or manage multiple contracts manually. You can use a single platform to access a large and diverse inventory across the web, mobile, apps, video, and social media.
  • Reach your target audience: You can use data from various sources, such as your own app analytics, third-party data providers, or publisher data, to segment and target your audience based on their characteristics, behaviors, preferences, or intents.
  • Optimize your campaigns: You can use real-time feedback and insights to adjust your bids, budgets, creatives, or targeting strategies. For example, Zoomd DSP using advanced technology for media buying such as machine learning (ML), to automate campaign optimizations and improve your app install performance campaigns.
  • Measure your results: You can use advanced analytics and attribution tools to track your campaigns across different channels and platforms. You can also use key performance indicators (KPIs), such as cost per install (CPI), cost per action (CPA), lifetime value (LTV), or return on ad spend (ROAS), to evaluate your success.


  1. Create compelling ad creatives and copy. Once you have chosen your platform and ad format, you need to create your ad creatives and copy that will attract and persuade your audience to download your app. You need to make sure that your ad creatives and copy match your app’s branding, value proposition, and features. You also need to make sure that they are clear, concise, and relevant to your audience’s needs and interests. You can use tools like Canva, Adobe Spark, or Animoto to create stunning visuals and videos for your ads. You can also use tools like CoSchedule Headline Analyzer, Hemingway App, or Grammarly to write catchy headlines and error-free copy for your ads.
  2. Test and optimize your campaigns. After you have launched your campaigns, you need to monitor their performance and optimize them accordingly. You need to track metrics like impressions, clicks, installs, conversions, cost per install (CPI), return on ad spend (ROAS), retention rate, lifetime value (LTV), etc. You also need to test different variations of your ad creatives and copy to see which ones perform better. You can use tools like Google Optimize, Facebook Split Testing, or TikTok Smart Optimization to run A/B tests and optimize your campaigns automatically.

With these examples and ideas for effective app install campaigns, your app can gain the performance and growth you are looking for. But all these take time and resources not all marketers have. You need to focus on the channels and tactics that you know and push effectively.
For the rest, high-volume campaigns, Zoomd’s technology and experienced media teams can help you achieve the goals you’re looking for.

If you want to learn more about mobile app marketing and how Zoomd can help you grow your app business with our powerful User acquisition platform or mobile app DSP platform, contact us today!

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How to Align Your App Marketing Strategy with Pride Month Values


Next month is Pride Month, a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and their fight for rights and equality. As a marketer, you might be wondering how to prepare your app marketing plan with the right creatives, offers, etc. to be relevant for Pride month. Here are some tips to help you nail your Pride Month marketing campaign.


  1. Partner with LGBTQ+ non-profit organizations and influencers: One of the best ways to show your support for the LGBTQ+ community is to collaborate with organizations and influencers that are working to make a difference. You can donate a portion of your app revenue to an LGBTQ+ charity, feature LGBTQ+ influencers in your app content, or create a co-branded campaign that showcases your shared values.
    With our experience and authentic Creators Community (CGC), Zoomd’s team can help you find suitable creators and influencers in the LGBTQ+ community that can help your brand or app agenda during Pride month.
  2. Align with who you are as a brand: Your Pride Month marketing campaign should reflect your brand identity and mission, not just follow a trend. Make sure your campaign is consistent with your brand voice, tone, and style, and that it communicates your genuine commitment to diversity and inclusion. Don’t just slap a rainbow on your logo or app icon and call it a day. Show how your app supports or empowers the LGBTQ+ community all year round.
  3. Ask your LGBTQ+ staff to be part of the campaign: Another way to ensure authenticity and representation in your Pride month marketing campaign is to involve your LGBTQ+ employees in the planning and execution of the campaign. Just like we did when writing this blog post, we asked them for their input and feedback. Your teammates are full of ideas, so why not brainstorm with them on how to create a campaign that resonates with the LGBTQ+ audience?
    You can also feature them in your app content, such as testimonials, stories, or interviews.
  4. Lobby for real change: Pride month is not just about celebrating, but also about advocating for LGBTQ+ rights and equality. As a marketer, you have the power to influence public opinion and policy through your app content and messaging. You can use your app platform to educate your users about the issues and challenges facing the LGBTQ+ community, such as discrimination, violence, or health disparities. You can also encourage them to take action, such as signing petitions, contacting lawmakers, or joining protests.
  5. Choose the right language: Language is a powerful tool for communication and inclusion, but it can also be a source of misunderstanding and exclusion. When creating your Pride Month marketing campaign, be mindful of the words and terms you use to refer to the LGBTQ+ community and its members. Avoid stereotypes, assumptions, or generalizations that might offend or alienate some groups or individuals. Use inclusive and respectful language that acknowledges the diversity and complexity of LGBTQ+ identities and experiences.
  6. Avoid rainbow washing: Rainbow washing is the practice of using rainbow colors or symbols to show support for the LGBTQ+ community without actually doing anything meaningful or substantial. It is seen as a form of exploitation or appropriation that benefits the brand more than the community. To avoid rainbow washing, make sure your Pride month marketing campaign is not just a one-time thing or a publicity stunt. Show your long-term commitment and involvement in supporting the LGBTQ+ community beyond June.
  7. Be at the right place: Choose those media outlets that will better help your pride month campaign shine the best. Zoomd’s vast media outlets and direct connection can be exactly what you need in order to be at the right place at the right time.
How to Align Your App Marketing Strategy with Pride Month Values

Supporting the LGBTQ+ community during pride month with a designated marketing plan for your mobile app

By following these tips, you can create a Pride Month marketing campaign that is relevant, respectful, and impactful for your app audience.
But don’t stop there. Pride month is an opportunity to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community and its history, culture, and struggles. Keep educating yourself and your staff on how to be better allies and advocates for LGBTQ+ rights and equality.

If you need help with hitting the right target audience, and thinking about the best creatives, and media channels to use to leverage your Pride month initiatives globally, you can rely on our technologies and services. Zoomd is a leading app marketing tech company that specializes in creating inclusive campaigns for apps just like yours. We have the expertise, experience, and tools to help you reach your goals and engage the LGBTQ+ audience with your app content and offers.
Contact us today to find out how we can help you make your app shine during this Pride month.

Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈

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The Importance of Data Privacy in Online Advertising and Mobile App Marketing 


By Keren Shlush, Zoomd Head of  Marketing

In this post, we will discuss the critical issue of data privacy in mobile app advertising and share some of the steps that companies need to take to protect user data.

App owners in the app marketing arena need to be aware of their responsibility to protect user data privacy and take necessary steps to ensure it. They should encrypt and secure user data through measures like two-factor authentication and obtain explicit consent from users before collecting or using their data. App owners should also have clear and concise data privacy policies that explain what data they collect, how it’s used, and who it’s shared with, as well as give users control over their data. Regular data audits and honesty and transparency with users are also important in building trust with users and establishing a positive reputation for respecting user privacy. Finally, app owners should protect their app’s access to user data by using input monitoring, prompt, and screen recording protections, as well as by limiting access to system preferences.

Users are increasingly concerned about data privacy: In recent years, consumers have become more aware of the amount of data that companies collect about them and how it is used. As a result, they are more cautious about sharing their personal information online and expect companies to respect their privacy.

Due to this rising concern, we saw a new privacy evolution of Apple – ending IDFA, and then following with Google’s privacy sandbox. These privacy developments were an answer to user privacy concerns while still supporting key marketing activities by online businesses.

First, the basics: 

Data privacy is the right to control your own personal data, including what information is collected and how it’s used. It’s important because it allows you to make decisions about how your personal information is shared with others. Data privacy is especially important in the context of online advertising and app advertising because companies use data collection methods like cookies and web beacons to track users across websites and apps, which can result in unwanted ads being shown on your device or computer screen.

Data privacy regulations are a set of laws that protect the personal information of individuals. These laws are designed to ensure that companies, brands and app owners do not mishandle or share sensitive data without consent, and they also require companies to be transparent about how they collect, use, store and dispose of personal information.

Today, there are many types of data privacy regulations:

  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act)
  • COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act)
  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
  • PIPEDA (A Canadian law for Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act)
  • ePrivacy

Data Privacy and Ad Fraud Prevention 

In the digital advertising space, data privacy regulations are taking center stage. As a result, advertisers and publishers alike are working to ensure that they’re compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.

Ad fraud prevention is an integral part of any good ad tech stack–and it’s no different when it comes to complying with data privacy regulations. Here’s how you can use your existing toolsets to ensure compliance:

Monitor third-party data sources for sensitive information (i.e., names, addresses). If you find any such information in your logs or other transaction records related to third parties like ad networks or SSPs (supply-side platforms), make sure that each party has an appropriate consent form signed by users before sharing their personal details with them.

  •  Monitor user activity on your own site/app for suspicious behavior that may indicate someone has gained access through nefarious means.
  •  Use machine learning models trained on anonymized user behavior patterns from past campaigns so that new campaign launches don’t inadvertently expose sensitive information about users’ identities or preferences.
  •  Implement additional checks at the network level–for example: look at IP addresses associated with each impression served across multiple devices over time; compare device IDs against known blacklisted devices; check browser versions against known vulnerable versions; etc..

App owners can take several steps to protect user data: 

  1. Data encryption and security: Companies should take steps to protect user data through encryption and other security measures. This includes securing user data during transmission and storage, as well as implementing two-factor authentication and other security measures to prevent unauthorized access.
    Own the code if you can. Sure, not all app owners are able to develop their own code from scratch, but if you can, this helps ensure that they are aware of any potential privacy concerns and can address them appropriately. In iOS 13.4 and later, all third-party apps automatically have their data protected in a Data Vault.
  2. Obtain user consent: App owners should obtain explicit consent from users before collecting or using their data. With iOS 14.5 and later, apps must obtain user permission through the App Tracking Transparency framework in order to track them or access their device’s advertising identifier.
  3. Honesty and transparency: Companies and apps should be honest and transparent with users about their data collection practices, including any potential risks or concerns. They should have clear and concise data privacy policies that explain what data they collect, how it’s used, and who it’s shared with. These policies should be easy to understand and accessible to users, and updated regularly to reflect changes in data collection practices. Keep it simple for the user, short and clear as crystal. No one likes to read the small print, let alone understand them.
  4. Give users control over their data: Companies should give users the ability to control their data, such as the ability to delete or edit their personal information, or opt-out of data collection altogether. This can help users feel more comfortable sharing their information, knowing they have control over how it’s used.
  5. Regular data audits: Companies should regularly audit their data collection practices to ensure they follow data privacy regulations and best practices. This can help identify potential privacy concerns and allow companies to take corrective action before any issues arise.

Mobile App Marketing Services – App Marketing Strategy

Building trust with users is crucial for any app or online business, especially those that collect and use user data. Without trust, mobile app users are less likely to share their personal information or engage with your app or website. By following the above best practices, companies can build trust with their users and establish a positive reputation for respecting user privacy. This can help increase user engagement, retention, and loyalty, leading to long-term success and growth for the business.

App owners need to be aware of their responsibility to protect user data privacy and take necessary steps to ensure it. They should encrypt and secure user data through measures like two-factor authentication and obtain explicit consent from users before collecting or using their data. App owners should also have clear and concise data privacy policies that explain what data they collect, how it’s used, and who it’s shared with, as well as give users control over their data. Regular data audits and honesty and transparency with users are also important in building trust with users and establishing a positive reputation for respecting user privacy. Finally, app owners should protect their app’s access to user data by using input monitoring, prompt, and screen recording protections, as well as by limiting access to system preferences..

Mobile App Marketing? Marketing Strategy for an App? How to build App Marketing Strategy that protects user data?
Check out Zoomd’s Mobile App Marketing Services!

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