
Turning 600,000,000 daily events into top measurable business results

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A user acquisition platform dedicated for advertisers looking to acquire global mobile users.

on-site search tool

Event-based data from hundred of media sources are collected and analyzed in the platform. Our platform includes various modules and complex data flow processes, including artificial intelligence capabilities, and machine learning algorithms aimed to achieve KPIs by running automated rule-based engines.

The Zoomd algorithm personalizes and matches data, comparing it to desired KPIs. So you don't need to pay for unconverted traffic, only for results.

Platfrom with site search technology

The algorithm then displays ads and search results that are more accurate than ever.

Zoomd Platform strenght

For advertisers, access hundreds of vetted media sources combined with smart intent data, generated by the huge amount of daily data points finding the right users becomes more precise and much easier to control, all in the same dashboard, thus exceeding conversion KPIs, achieving actual growth for their mobile app.

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